Elite Dangerous Golconda Generation Ship

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Elite Dangerous Golconda Generation Ship Link: https://youtu.be/U_iNN8wXPZM the Generationship the Golconda is different from all the rest - this time instead of tails of tragedy and woe, death and destruction the people on board are actually alive. What a turn up for the books! However they have a shipboard virus and failing systems and the entire ship's party are reticent to have too much involvement of the outside. Could this be a new interstellar initiative on the horizon in Elite Dangerous

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Hello there! Ricardo Here from Ricardo's Gaming and I am just an ageing gamer trying to stay relevant in the modern gaming world. Games evolve but somehow stay the same. Here I play Sci-Fi Games like X Wing, Squadrons, Elite Dangerous, Battlestar Galactica Deadlock, Subnautica and more New Videos Every Monday Streaming every Sunday Afternoon See More: https://ricardosgaming.co.uk/ #EliteDangerousGamer #SciFiGaming #OldGamer
Elite Dangerous Golconda Generation Ship

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