Wandering SPLIT cup straight pour ~ Landscape acrylic pour painting ~ Easy

Description :

Here you can see easy acrylic pouring beginner technique for paint landscape. I see a river and mountains in a stormy day. What do you see? TECHNIQUE: Wandering straight pour, Split cup pour MATERIAL: - 10x10 inch canvas - Acrylic paints mixed with pouring medium - Split cup (6oz) - Wooden skewer - Palete knife - Torch Please understand that I am in no way responsible for the way you use your paint and mediums. Follow all safety instructions of the manufacturers, I can not be held liable. Be c

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I consider myself as a experimental artist. I just like to experiment with different techniques and materials and share my findings to others. Thats how we all grow as artists and peoples. I hope we will continue this adventure together and learn from each other. Hugs from sLOVEnia.
Wandering SPLIT cup straight pour ~ Landscape acrylic pour painting ~ Easy

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