Acrylic pouring with a Juicer ~ Sink strainer split cup pour ~ Fluid art ~

Description :

I found this Juicer in my gadgets box and I want to see if I can get some nice results. It didn't worked as I hopped, so I did sink strainer split cup pour. COLOURS: - Amsterdam oxide black - Lukas fluorescent yellow - Amsterdam reflex orange - Vallejo fluorescent magenta - Vallejo fluorescent violet - Vallejo fluorescent blue - Amsterdam reflex green

Category :


Related Reads [System Generated]:

I consider myself as a experimental artist. I just like to experiment with different techniques and materials and share my findings to others. Thats how we all grow as artists and peoples. I hope we will continue this adventure together and learn from each other. Hugs from sLOVEnia.
Acrylic pouring with a Juicer ~ Sink strainer split cup pour ~ Fluid art ~

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