How To Cut Cast Acrylic on 3018 CNC Sainsmart PROVer using Carbide Create &

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Overview of the three basic steps and speeds & feeds for cutting Cast Acrylic on the Sainsmart 3018 PROVer and other smaller CNC Machines. We will also review Measurements to find the thickest part of your acrylic, Using Carbide Create Pro to generate your G-Code, and editing you G-Code to go back to your home position, Hint: Add X0.00 & Y0.00 to your G-Code. And as always feel free to comment or email me if you have any questions. For materials I am using a nominal 5mm thick CAST Acrylic, EXTR

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How To Cut Cast Acrylic on 3018 CNC Sainsmart PROVer using Carbide Create &

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