Greens and blues for sLOVEnian athlets on OI

Description :

For this Open cup and marble acrylic pour I was inspired by colours of our country Slovenia and our athlets on OI. When I think of my country I normaly think of greens and blues, and I added gold to celebrate our first gold medal on Olimpic games in Tokyo 2021. Colours: - Amsterdam white - Amsterdam prussian blue phthalo - Pebeo iridescent blue green - Amsterdam emerald green - Amsterdam greenish blue - Vallejo cyan blue dark - Pebeo iridescent precious gold All my paints are mixed with Boesn

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I consider myself as a experimental artist. I just like to experiment with different techniques and materials and share my findings to others. Thats how we all grow as artists and peoples. I hope we will continue this adventure together and learn from each other. Hugs from sLOVEnia.
Greens and blues for sLOVEnian athlets on OI

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