Compound Exercises Final Fitness Test—She is 4x Stronger

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Subscribe to this channel here: Over the years this married couple has seen their bodies age in different ways. Both are trying to regain the strength and physique of their 20-year-old selves. Join them on their journey and watch their progress. Watch as Sarah completely crushes her final fitness test for the three-week compound exercise split! #FitnessPains #FitWomen #Lift #CrushedIt #GirlPower #WomenOfTheWorld

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This is our real, slightly edited journey of life with a mix of fitness sprinkled on top. No matter what injuries or barriers are thrown at us, we got no quit! Fitness Pains covers a variety of topics including how to exercise, get stronger, lose weight, and overcome physical barriers while exercising with various pains from injuries. This channel is informational and educational and best suited for those who are either first starting to exercise or for those who need a little more variety in their exercises. We bring the viewers through our 20+ years of combined fitness expertise in hopes they will be able to learn from the mistakes and successes we’ve experienced over the years. Please subscribe and share with family and friends! #FitnessPains #AllGainsSomePains #ListenToYourBody
Compound Exercises Final Fitness Test—She is 4x Stronger

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