Painting with MARBLES ~ Combining 3 Fluid art techniques

Description :

Today I will combine three Fluid art techniques to make beautiful Abstract art painting. First I will do a Flip cup, then Puddle pour and at the end Marble roll. All three techniques are easy, so you can try to create Acrylic pour painting with combining those even if you are a beginner. Colours: - Decoart Metalics Emerald and Ruby - Pebeo Iridescent precious gold - Amsterdam Oxide black - Atries colours Alizarian crimson - Pentart Pine green - Pearl white

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I consider myself as a experimental artist. I just like to experiment with different techniques and materials and share my findings to others. Thats how we all grow as artists and peoples. I hope we will continue this adventure together and learn from each other. Hugs from sLOVEnia.
Painting with MARBLES ~ Combining 3 Fluid art techniques

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