Relaxation Sleep Music for Kittens & Cats Reduces Stress Anxiety Overactivi

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Stress can happen to every living thing -- even our fur babies, kittens and cats. True to their regal demeanors, most cats tend to hide and mask their inner turmoil. That makes it very important for cat moms and cat dads to stay one step ahead of what's going on with their fur baby. This video provides 8 hours of soothing, ambient music that reduces feline stress, anxiety and overactiveness. Perfect for separation anxiety while you're away at the office or for creating a calm environment whi

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High frequency content charged with reiki (universal life force energy) by a Reiki Master Teacher to raise your vibration: binaural beats, guided meditations, life coaching, nature scenes, music that eases stress, anxiety and depression, energy healing, reiki, advanced energy healing modalities, laughter tracks, chakra balancing, peace inducing music, fall asleep fast, insomnia relief, stay asleep, white noise, love frequency, heart chakra, crown chakra, third eye open, throat chakra, solar plexus, sacral chakra, root chakra, intuition, psychic development, oracle cards, confidence, self-confidence, self love, joy, God frequency, guides, spirit squad, guardian angels, ancestors, candle magic, spells, encouragement, advice to my younger self.
Relaxation Sleep Music for Kittens & Cats Reduces Stress Anxiety Overactivi

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