What is Financial Education and why is it important? Learn the importance o

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What is financial education and why is it important? Financial education is the process of learning about personal finances and how to manage them. Financial literacy is a term often used interchangeably with financial education, but it’s actually more. However, many aspects of your finances can be improved just by learning more about them Financial education is important because it leads to discretionary income and freedom. Financial literacy, which includes financial education, allows pe

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Welcome to Financial Education 101! We are here to teach you everything there is to know about financial literacy: what are assets, how to invest, and what is investing. Learn how money works and how you can make money work for you. No matter where you are in life right now—whether you're just graduating high school or already working full-time—you'll learn something that will help you get on the right track towards financial freedom. The world of money and investing can be scary and confusing. But don't worry. We're here to help you. We believe that financial education is an important part of owning your own life and we want to give you the right tools and knowledge, but also build a community to achieve the financial freedom that You deserve! Join the one O one Community!
What is Financial Education and why is it important? Learn the importance o

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