Thread Town EFH // Skate 3 Custom Park Showcase

Description :

This is a Skate 3 custom park showcase for the latest installment of the Thread Town Park series! Welcome to Thread Town EFH! Epic Flying Horse likes doing challenges proposed by his followers so I made this park as jam packed full of as many needle thread and speed glitch gap challenges as I could cram into it ranging in difficulty from easy to WTF! I tried to count how many possible challenges there are in this park and I lost count.

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Related Reads [System Generated]:

I'm an anthropomorphic gekko DJ/producer of chip-hop and chipstyle EDM, and an avid video gamer who posts video game content to YouTube. I'm all about music, and I'm all about video games, and I'm all about mixing both worlds together. I'm also in the process of developing a story about how Gekkota and his friends travel the multiverse to explore and battle other people.
Thread Town EFH // Skate 3 Custom Park Showcase

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